fredag 25 juli 2014

Studiedag för engelsklärare

Ser fram emot de föreläsningar som Utbildningsstaden håller i och som går av stapeln i Stockholm och Göteborg den 13 respektive 14/8. Speciellt den om "Critical thinking" som Ian Lebeau håller i (se nedan). De föreläsningar jag gått på i engelska som Utbildningsstaden arrangerat har varit mycket bra och det lovar gott. Också härligt att komma iväg med mina språkkollegor -- det händer alltför sällan annars...

Critical thinking in the English language classroomSpeaker: Ian Lebeau (Pearson Education)
These days, vast amounts of information are available with one or two clicks on the computer. But how do we manage all this information, and turn it into useful knowledge? This is where critical thinking has an important role to play. Yet the concept itself is rather loose and difficult to define. Most people would agree, however, that - essentially - critical thinking involves asking questions - about what we read and hear, about events, and also about ourselves.
Recently, the relevance of critical thinking to the English language classroom has been more widely recognised. We know that it can, for example, help learners develop their comprehension, by understanding relationships in a text. Equally, students can use critical thinking in writing and speaking to strengthen their arguments. Clearly, too, critical thinking can improve a range of study skills, allowing learners, for instance, to evaluate sources of information, to find and use evidence, to make notes, to draw conclusions, and to develop self-awareness.
In this talk, Ian Lebeau will explore how critical thinking can foster English language and study skills, showing examples of material from the new edition of Language Leader that support this process.

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